Misleading Dietary Trends for PCOS

Explore common misleading dietary trends for PCOS and discover evidence-based guidance from Dr. Joline's Clinic. Learn how to navigate dietary choices effectively to manage symptoms and improve well-being.

Eating Habits in the Monsoons in Goa: Embracing Local Delicacies

The monsoon season in Goa brings not just a refreshing change in weather, but also a bounty of unique local produce. This is the perfect time to indulge in traditional Goan dishes made with abundant ingredients and best enjoyed during this time of year. Here’s a guide curated by Dr Joline from Dr Joline's Clinic to some of the most nutritious and flavourful foods to include in your monsoon diet in Goa.

The Impact of Nutrition on Your Health

Unlock the power of food for optimal health! Dr Joline Fernandes explains how nutrition fuels your body, boosts energy, strengthens your immune system, and supports mental well-being. Learn how to create a personalized plan for a healthier, happier you.

Infertility in women with PCOS

PCOS can make getting pregnant challenging, but don't lose hope! Dr Joline's Clinic explains how PCOS affects fertility and offers lifestyle tips to improve your chances of conception, including diet adjustments, sleep hygiene, and managing vitamin levels.