Dr Joline Fernandes


Dr Joline Fernandes

The Fit and Fab challenge is dedicated to all of you who want to get healthy and in the best shape of your life. This online challenge will help you get fit at home with customized meal plans and workouts.

  • Online Program
  • No Crash Diets - Healthy Meals and Exercise
  • Daily Monitoring & Motivation
  • Establish a routine you can follow for life
Sign up for FitNFab

After Sign Up Click Below, For Grocery List & Nutrition Plans

Grocery List Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
girl running
The start is the toughest
girl excercising
Lose weight to become healthy, and not because you hate your body
Fitness happens...
one day at a time

100 DAYS

Dr Joline Fernandes

Get in shape from fat to fit in just 100 days. Join our 14-week program with weekly body fat analysis and 14 nutrition consultations to transform your body and life.

  • 14 Weeks
  • 14 Consultations
  • Weekly Body Fat Analysis
Sign up for 100 Days Program

After Sign Up Click Below, For Grocery List & Nutrition Plans

Grocery List Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5 Plan 6 Plan 7
Dr Joline Fernandes
Dr Joline Fernandes


Dr Joline Fernandes

Our 24-week program that will help you get back on track with your health and fitness goals and we'll do it with a consultative approach, personalized diet plans and body fat analysis.

  • Consultations
  • Diet Plans
  • Body Fat Analysis
Sign up for 24 Weeks Program

After Sign Up Click Below, For Grocery List

Grocery List Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5 Plan 6 Plan 7 Plan 8 Plan 9 Plan 10 Plan 11 Plan 12